C2C – Created To Create

C2C emerged as a group of international artists, linked by their Christian faith, creativity and friendship. We are all made in God’s image, therefore, we are all creative. It’s not only about the artists on stage, or the artists who paint, it is about the God-given creativity that lies in all of us that we celebrate.

Our roots lie in the Christian Artists Seminar in the Netherlands, set up in the 1980s by the
pioneer, Leen la Riviere, running from the 1980’s, coming to an end in 2019. For many of us, this yearly gathering was like family coming together. In 2020 a group of CA friends began to meet and share together, looking for ways to continue something of CA, which has been so valuable to so many artists. In 2021 there was a first Gathering of around 30 people to find out how we could continue. We have endeavored to establish a yearly meeting to celebrate, encourage and inspire one another and invite more fellow creatives. This resulted in two gatherings in Dordrecht, Netherlands, with around 35 people and then 2023/2024 in Gefrees, Germany, with 45+ participants. These gatherings were characterized by times of ‘hanging’ out, deep conversations and meeting, sharing art, music and our journeys, worship times, inclusive workshops, good food, drink and conversation.

There is a desire to create a space of meeting, sharing, encouragement and co-operation. A time to find refreshment from the hectic of survival and performances and maybe not to feel so alone for those who feel isolated in their place. Where our shared Christian faith, however great our differences might be, is part of our identity as C2C.

In 2025, C2C, or, Created To Create will meet at ChristChurch Tunbridge Wells, in the UK. We invite you to participate! There will be workshops, performances, discussions, reflections, worship and much more. We are still developing the program so please bear with us. You will be mixing with creatives from all over Europe which is one of the strengths of the gathering.

IMPORTANT TRAVEL INFORMATION – If you are travelling from outside the UK, you will need to apply for an ETA (Electronic Travel Authorisation). This is not a Visa, it is purely a permission to travel to the UK. The link can be found here

The dates are: 14th-18th August 2025. For more information, please email cre8ted2cre8t@gmail.com

The initial application form can be found here https://forms.gle/pyn3W4cx4DnABVET7

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